Show HN: SmolCopilot – 360M LLM writing assistant in the browser
4 by thecalebf | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hey! I've been really intrigued about small, on device models recently. This project was to explore that a small base model running in the browser as a Co Pilot-like writing assistant. You can check out the demo here: Smal, on device models have a lot of advantages with low latency, cost, privacy (a big one), and being task specific. The demo will definitely repeat itself and hallucinate sometimes, but let me know what you think!
4 by thecalebf | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hey! I've been really intrigued about small, on device models recently. This project was to explore that a small base model running in the browser as a Co Pilot-like writing assistant. You can check out the demo here: Smal, on device models have a lot of advantages with low latency, cost, privacy (a big one), and being task specific. The demo will definitely repeat itself and hallucinate sometimes, but let me know what you think!