Show HN: A complete AdonisJS boilerplate to help TS developers
2 by wailroth | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I've started developing an AdonisJS Boilerplate with Inertia. Unlike some previous boilerplates, like "Shipfast," which often promote quick-and-dirty coding for fast profits, my goal is to offer a cleaner, more maintainable solution. Here's what I've included to make this boilerplate as accessible and developer-friendly as possible: - Comprehensive Authentication: Social authentication, OTP, Magic Links, and credentials, along with complete account management features like password recovery. - Payment & Mailing Integration: Seamless integration from start to finish, with multiple options to choose from. - Detailed Documentation: Thorough explanations of every aspect, covering even the smallest, potentially confusing details in the code. - Maintainable & Scalable Code: Organized by features, allowing you to easily drag and drop components to extend functionality. - Developer Tools: Handy commands for generating new features and automatically adding necessary imports; A complete config to enable/disable a feature in less than 10 seconds. . - Pre-made Pages: Ready-to-use pages such as an admin dashboard for tasks like automatically updating products on Stripe. - Extensive Component Library: A variety of components to streamline development. I've designed this boilerplate to be as developer-friendly and robust as possible, aiming to support maintainability and scalability from the get-go. Feel free to join the waitlist and check the website! Little demo on Twitter: