Show HN: Bearclaw – tiny static site generator with RSS
4 by lagniappe | 3 comments on Hacker News.
hey yall, I made bearclaw because I just wanted an unopinionated static site generator with no toolchain and fancy stuff going on; it'd be my pleasure to show it to you today and answer any questions you might have. If you do end up trying out bearclaw, you can use nginx or your favorite webserver. Earlier this week I made eclaire - a static site webserver with compression, caching, and automatic HTTPS through letsencrypt.
4 by lagniappe | 3 comments on Hacker News.
hey yall, I made bearclaw because I just wanted an unopinionated static site generator with no toolchain and fancy stuff going on; it'd be my pleasure to show it to you today and answer any questions you might have. If you do end up trying out bearclaw, you can use nginx or your favorite webserver. Earlier this week I made eclaire - a static site webserver with compression, caching, and automatic HTTPS through letsencrypt.