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New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: A simple online text to SVG converter

Show HN: A simple online text to SVG converter
3 by hudecekdev | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hello! I made a simple online text to SVG converter, mainly for my own use (I was tired of launching Inkscape for such a simple task). It supports Google fonts, font size, color, line breaks, etc. It uses OpenType.js. I am a big fan of really simple tools, which do one thing and do it well. Hopefully this is one of them. I'll be happy if anyone else finds it useful. Thanks!

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: SSO – Small String Optimization

Show HN: SSO – Small String Optimization
2 by feelamee | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I wrote this just for fun when saw article about sso in Rust[1]. My string can store up to 23 (excluding null-terminator) 8-bit chars without calling allocator. Here I can mistake, but.. Curious fact: both - libstdc++[2] and libc++[3] - do access to union member without any check that it is active now. AFAIK, this is UB in C++. But I assume that they just rely on theirs compiler features. I tried to avoid this using `std::byte[]`. But I'm still sure that there are several UB's in my code :) [1] https://ift.tt/aQXK5ut... [2] https://ift.tt/lhHLsgk... [3] https://ift.tt/BzIoT6u...

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: I made a URL expander because short links are too mainstream

Show HN: I made a URL expander because short links are too mainstream
27 by error404x | 5 comments on Hacker News.

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Generate unique LogoMarks with generative AI

Show HN: Generate unique LogoMarks with generative AI
2 by dasfelix | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Every time I started a side project in the past, I struggled to create a good-looking, unique logo. Although there are many Logo Generators out there, they either use premade icons or are too expensive. So, I decided to create the MakeBrand LogoMaker, the perfect Logo Maker for small businesses and side projects. MakeBrand LogoMaker uses modern generative image models to create truly unique LogoMarks that perfectly fit your brand or project. The logo can be further customized using the built-in editor, where you can adjust fonts, sizing, spacing, and colors to suit your needs. The pricing is transparent and credit based. For just 10€ you can generate 20 different LogoMarks you can choose from! You can export your Logo for Free in high-quality SVG or in a bundled Package. If you sign up now you get 40 free credits! If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know! Thanks, Felix

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Build Apps via Voice

Show HN: Build Apps via Voice
3 by sganesh | 0 comments on Hacker News.
TiramAi - Beta - We have built an app that is now available both on App Store & Play Store that allows non-technical users to build web apps, mobile apps and logic apps as it seems fit by generating user stories and personas. Can be refined as many times. For web apps, the code gets generated in html, cs, JavaScript for the frontend and uses firebase as the db. For mobile app, flutter code gets generated and it takes us a day or so to get it out into test flight or beta testing, due to the app distribution hurdle. Logic apps use c# minimal api and gets deployed on Azure / Google. Exporting of User stories is behind a paywall. We are still fine tuning the code output for all the apps. You can provide feedback within the app as well by shaking the device. Any input / feedback / thoughts are appreciated.

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: AuthorLens – a new way to find good books to read

Show HN: AuthorLens – a new way to find good books to read
3 by admissionsguy | 0 comments on Hacker News.
The previous submission [1] didn't catch on, so re-trying with a less substantive title! [1] https://ift.tt/KMtWrZT

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter

Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter
2 by Giarty | 0 comments on Hacker News.
10 Kudos is an app to share the contacts of trusted service providers with your friends. I built it because I often seek some kind of provider: a plumber, a cat sitter, a lawyer, a web designer, even a hint for a restaurant, whatever. I don't want to just find a random provider on some website, and I don't trust their mostly fake endorsements. I want to tap my friends' network of trusted providers. I usually end up calling my friends one by one, trying to imagine which are more likely to know a good provider, but it's not very efficient. I would prefer to have this kind of shared Rolodex. Similar projects, like Yelp, usually have the two-sided-market, or chicken-and-egg issue: they are useless for costumers until they don't have providers, and useless for providers until they don't have customers. The way I designed it, it's distributed and personal: it doesn't need a database (and actually even if it had it, a new user wouldn't see anything on it, because it only shows the favorite providers entered by your friends). Instead, even if just two or three friends use it to share their trusted contacts, it's already useful to them. Plus, this layout eliminates the issue of the usual fake reviews, and of the effort for the real users to enter diplomatic assessments: this app is just an exchange of contacts, if I need that kind of provider I will then call my friend and ask her for more feedback. This app is a formalized word-of-mouth. It serves two needs: it is useful for anyone like me who often seeks a specific kind of provider, but it's also useful for a provider who wants to increase her customer base. Suppose I'm a math tutor, I will download the app, enter my profile, and then send a broadcast from the app to my WhatsApp contacts asking them to endorse me (and then to share further the app with the endorsement). The Android version of the app as I envisioned it, is complete, no users yet (I know, you'll say I should have progressed the other way around, got it). I have tested it with some people, they are positive but not enough to use it. I need to understand how to make it more appealing so that it can spread. I'm not seeking investors, I believe that if the product/market fit is achieved the app can grow almost naturally, if it isn't achieved money won't help. I would love your comments and suggestions!

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: I Made an AI Resume Maker That Turns Any Job Link into Tailored Resumes

Show HN: I Made an AI Resume Maker That Turns Any Job Link into Tailored Resumes
3 by josylad | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN, I am a solopreneur building AI SaaS and mini tools. I recently built ResumeSet, an AI resume builder that creates tailored resumes based on job descriptions from any job link. Job hunting can feel like a full-time job itself, especially with the growing reliance on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that automatically filter out resumes. I wanted to help job seekers create resumes more likely to pass ATS checks without endless manual tweaking. How it works: - Paste the job link, and ResumeSet's AI analyzes the job requirements to tailor your resume to match the job's key requirements and skills. - The result? A resume that is ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly and increases the likelihood of passing automated screenings. - PDF export feature for easy downloads and integrations into existing job platforms. - No fancy templates, just functional and ATS-friendly formatting. Why I built this: I noticed how time-consuming and frustrating it is to repeatedly tweak resumes for every job application, especially when fighting against rigid ATS systems. I wanted to automate this process and make job hunting more efficient by focusing on what matters—tailoring resumes specifically to each role. ResumeSet helps users avoid the generic, one-size-fits-all resumes that often get rejected. I see how often good candidates are missed due to poorly optimized resumes. My goal was to make a simple but effective tool that bridges that gap. Tech Stack: - Built with Django and OpenAI API for the core AI functionality. - Frontend is a simple Bootstrap for a responsive design. I'd love to get feedback from the community. Thoughts on improving it or potential features? You can try it for free here: https://resumeset.com . Looking forward to your comments and suggestions!

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: A raw HTTP request parser for Python

Show HN: A raw HTTP request parser for Python
2 by rtk0 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I needed to parse raw HTTP request strings but couldn't find a good solution so I built it myself.

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Kotlin Money

Show HN: Kotlin Money
310 by eriksencosta | 180 comments on Hacker News.
Manipulating monetary amounts is a common computing chore. However, no mainstream language has a first-class data type for representing money, it’s up to programmers to code abstractions for it. This isn’t an issue per se until dealing with rounding issues from operations like installment payments (e.g., buy now, pay later), foreign exchange, or even simple things like fee processing and tax collection. Inspired by my days at N26 Brasil dealing with these challenges, I introduce Money: a Kotlin library that makes monetary calculations and allocations easy.

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: A simple online text to SVG converter

Show HN: A simple online text to SVG converter
3 by hudecekdev | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hello! I made a simple online text to SVG converter, mainly for my own use (I was tired of launching Inkscape for such a simple task). It supports Google fonts, font size, color, line breaks, etc. It uses OpenType.js. I am a big fan of really simple tools, which do one thing and do it well. Hopefully this is one of them. I'll be happy if anyone else finds it useful. Thanks!

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: SSO – Small String Optimization

Show HN: SSO – Small String Optimization
2 by feelamee | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I wrote this just for fun when saw article about sso in Rust[1]. My string can store up to 23 (excluding null-terminator) 8-bit chars without calling allocator. Here I can mistake, but.. Curious fact: both - libstdc++[2] and libc++[3] - do access to union member without any check that it is active now. AFAIK, this is UB in C++. But I assume that they just rely on theirs compiler features. I tried to avoid this using `std::byte[]`. But I'm still sure that there are several UB's in my code :) [1] https://ift.tt/aQXK5ut... [2] https://ift.tt/lhHLsgk... [3] https://ift.tt/BzIoT6u...

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: I made a URL expander because short links are too mainstream

Show HN: I made a URL expander because short links are too mainstream
27 by error404x | 5 comments on Hacker News.

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Generate unique LogoMarks with generative AI

Show HN: Generate unique LogoMarks with generative AI
2 by dasfelix | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Every time I started a side project in the past, I struggled to create a good-looking, unique logo. Although there are many Logo Generators out there, they either use premade icons or are too expensive. So, I decided to create the MakeBrand LogoMaker, the perfect Logo Maker for small businesses and side projects. MakeBrand LogoMaker uses modern generative image models to create truly unique LogoMarks that perfectly fit your brand or project. The logo can be further customized using the built-in editor, where you can adjust fonts, sizing, spacing, and colors to suit your needs. The pricing is transparent and credit based. For just 10€ you can generate 20 different LogoMarks you can choose from! You can export your Logo for Free in high-quality SVG or in a bundled Package. If you sign up now you get 40 free credits! If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know! Thanks, Felix

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Build Apps via Voice

Show HN: Build Apps via Voice
3 by sganesh | 0 comments on Hacker News.
TiramAi - Beta - We have built an app that is now available both on App Store & Play Store that allows non-technical users to build web apps, mobile apps and logic apps as it seems fit by generating user stories and personas. Can be refined as many times. For web apps, the code gets generated in html, cs, JavaScript for the frontend and uses firebase as the db. For mobile app, flutter code gets generated and it takes us a day or so to get it out into test flight or beta testing, due to the app distribution hurdle. Logic apps use c# minimal api and gets deployed on Azure / Google. Exporting of User stories is behind a paywall. We are still fine tuning the code output for all the apps. You can provide feedback within the app as well by shaking the device. Any input / feedback / thoughts are appreciated.

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: AuthorLens – a new way to find good books to read

Show HN: AuthorLens – a new way to find good books to read
3 by admissionsguy | 0 comments on Hacker News.
The previous submission [1] didn't catch on, so re-trying with a less substantive title! [1] https://ift.tt/KMtWrZT

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter

Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter
2 by Giarty | 0 comments on Hacker News.
10 Kudos is an app to share the contacts of trusted service providers with your friends. I built it because I often seek some kind of provider: a plumber, a cat sitter, a lawyer, a web designer, even a hint for a restaurant, whatever. I don't want to just find a random provider on some website, and I don't trust their mostly fake endorsements. I want to tap my friends' network of trusted providers. I usually end up calling my friends one by one, trying to imagine which are more likely to know a good provider, but it's not very efficient. I would prefer to have this kind of shared Rolodex. Similar projects, like Yelp, usually have the two-sided-market, or chicken-and-egg issue: they are useless for costumers until they don't have providers, and useless for providers until they don't have customers. The way I designed it, it's distributed and personal: it doesn't need a database (and actually even if it had it, a new user wouldn't see anything on it, because it only shows the favorite providers entered by your friends). Instead, even if just two or three friends use it to share their trusted contacts, it's already useful to them. Plus, this layout eliminates the issue of the usual fake reviews, and of the effort for the real users to enter diplomatic assessments: this app is just an exchange of contacts, if I need that kind of provider I will then call my friend and ask her for more feedback. This app is a formalized word-of-mouth. It serves two needs: it is useful for anyone like me who often seeks a specific kind of provider, but it's also useful for a provider who wants to increase her customer base. Suppose I'm a math tutor, I will download the app, enter my profile, and then send a broadcast from the app to my WhatsApp contacts asking them to endorse me (and then to share further the app with the endorsement). The Android version of the app as I envisioned it, is complete, no users yet (I know, you'll say I should have progressed the other way around, got it). I have tested it with some people, they are positive but not enough to use it. I need to understand how to make it more appealing so that it can spread. I'm not seeking investors, I believe that if the product/market fit is achieved the app can grow almost naturally, if it isn't achieved money won't help. I would love your comments and suggestions!

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: I Made an AI Resume Maker That Turns Any Job Link into Tailored Resumes

Show HN: I Made an AI Resume Maker That Turns Any Job Link into Tailored Resumes
3 by josylad | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN, I am a solopreneur building AI SaaS and mini tools. I recently built ResumeSet, an AI resume builder that creates tailored resumes based on job descriptions from any job link. Job hunting can feel like a full-time job itself, especially with the growing reliance on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that automatically filter out resumes. I wanted to help job seekers create resumes more likely to pass ATS checks without endless manual tweaking. How it works: - Paste the job link, and ResumeSet's AI analyzes the job requirements to tailor your resume to match the job's key requirements and skills. - The result? A resume that is ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly and increases the likelihood of passing automated screenings. - PDF export feature for easy downloads and integrations into existing job platforms. - No fancy templates, just functional and ATS-friendly formatting. Why I built this: I noticed how time-consuming and frustrating it is to repeatedly tweak resumes for every job application, especially when fighting against rigid ATS systems. I wanted to automate this process and make job hunting more efficient by focusing on what matters—tailoring resumes specifically to each role. ResumeSet helps users avoid the generic, one-size-fits-all resumes that often get rejected. I see how often good candidates are missed due to poorly optimized resumes. My goal was to make a simple but effective tool that bridges that gap. Tech Stack: - Built with Django and OpenAI API for the core AI functionality. - Frontend is a simple Bootstrap for a responsive design. I'd love to get feedback from the community. Thoughts on improving it or potential features? You can try it for free here: https://resumeset.com . Looking forward to your comments and suggestions!

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: A raw HTTP request parser for Python

Show HN: A raw HTTP request parser for Python
2 by rtk0 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I needed to parse raw HTTP request strings but couldn't find a good solution so I built it myself.

New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Kotlin Money

Show HN: Kotlin Money
310 by eriksencosta | 180 comments on Hacker News.
Manipulating monetary amounts is a common computing chore. However, no mainstream language has a first-class data type for representing money, it’s up to programmers to code abstractions for it. This isn’t an issue per se until dealing with rounding issues from operations like installment payments (e.g., buy now, pay later), foreign exchange, or even simple things like fee processing and tax collection. Inspired by my days at N26 Brasil dealing with these challenges, I introduce Money: a Kotlin library that makes monetary calculations and allocations easy.

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